Monday, December 20, 2010

The Gravel Drive

I ran out of creativity to this blog from the last and I'm unsure if I will finish that poem...

On Thursday I celebrated an amazing birthday with my family. Everyone was there and we had delicious Chinese food and lots of great bonding time. It is great having a birthday close to Christmas; the parties never end at our house in December. It is a month long bonanza! Easy to say Thursday was an amazing day.

Today I woke to drive my husband to work and successfully made it out of our slanted driveway and up onto the streets of Mapleton. I went up to my parents house and chilled with my bro for a few hours, (actually I watched him, as a zombie, make other worldly Halo players into zombies. I wouldn't want to play against him. I'd not stand a chance!) , returned home to get some coffee to warm the fingers, then returned to the car to get William. I revved the engine and felt the car drift and swing opposite of the steering wheel. I guided it gently to the edge, revved and got half way up and onto the street before the car slide back and off into the grass, wedging itself in seven inches of snow. I revved. And Revved. AND REVVED. Nothing. I turned and revved again to no avail before remembering our good friend Daniel Parkins was cozy and reading on the couch. I accepted defeat and went to ask for assistance. We pushed and dug around the tires (Looking like this...that is most certainly not me falling.)

After a few accidental snow angels and lots of pushing we got the car on to the road and I was off. (Only forty minutes late!) We got home without incident and brought along some delicious pizza too! To avoid digging the car out again I parked on the side and we went to get Dan and head over to the in-laws for some food and molasses cookies! DELICIOUS, might I add. Some time later we went home and parked the car. I work at nine but both men are getting up with me to dig the car out and properly position it while I eat and dress for work. What gentlemen!

Upon hearing there was going to be a full lunar eclipse tonight I timed showers, snacks, and bed time accordingly. At the proper time I zipped my boots up, put on a few extra layers of clothing, grabbed my camera, and tromped out into the night to witness the first full lunar eclipse since February of 2008! I scanned the sky, camera at the ready...

Oh well, no Lunar eclipse for me this year, I will have to see the next one if at all possible. Every day is a new day with something eclipsing something else. At least the snow was beautiful, once everyone was safely inside and out of the weather.

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